
This morning I woke up with an itchy throat, runny nose, and weird hazy feeling behind my eyes. Never fails, every holiday season seems like the perfect time for me to get sick.

First thing I did when I got to work was take a bunch of vitamin C. After work I went to the store for more vitamin C, Pinapple Juice  (high in vit C), and some cough medicine. 

I usually go for Nyquil, but I wanted something a little better this time, so I opted for the Tylenol Cough and Could with both nighttime and daytime doses. 

We’ll see if I can kick this before my vacation starts.

Here’s hoping.


A few months ago my wife and stayed at my brother’s ranch for a night. When we first arrived my wife noticed a tiny, green tree frog hanging out by the sink. She thought it was the coolest thing. We decided to leave it alone and go to bed.

The next morning the little guy was still there. This is when my wife decided to make it her pet. It looks similar the the below photo.

This morning she noticed that he escaped! I guess he couldn’t take all of the hugs and cuddles any more. 

How are your pets?


The weekend is finally here. We are so ready for a tiny break before the bigger break during Thanksgiving. 

I can’t believe I’ve gone 17 days in a row as well. 

And, all but one post has been done on my phone. How bout that. 

Internet Ignorance

The vast majority of the citizens of this great nation, The United States of America, who are, let’s say, at least sixteen years old, have the great power of Google at their fingertips, pretty much 24/7. But, they refuse to use it.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and I’ve seen something like this;

Okay people, tell me all you know about the Ketogenic Diet!


Hey, what’s that one movie that stars that one guy with weird hair?


Does anybody know when the next full moon is?

They literally have the answer in the palm of their hand, as they’re typing their questions. Why not put that into Google instead of Facebook?

You know why? Because people are lazy, and perhaps they don’t really want the truth. Your friends are more inclined to tell you what you want to hear. This isn’t really important for remembering movies or weather cycles. But, for national and world news it absolutely is.

We need to stop mindlessly sharing meme after meme without the slightest hint of research. Who made it? Is it accurate? Does it, in fact, make any sense? Everybody who shares something on Facebook has the entirety of world’s knowledge at their fingertips. Take a few minutes to see if what you’re sharing is remotely true, and don’t be a dope.

I think my New Year’s Resolution this year will be for me to be more vocal about getting the truth out there on social media. Far too many “Fake News” memes for me to ignore anymore.

What about you?

*All Photos on this website have been downloaded from

**I shared a meme on Facebook today that wasn’t taken well by a couple of people I know who lean far to the right. This was going to be my response if they persisted. Luckily I was able to shut them down fairly quick. I also have many nice friends who like to shut people down as well.

Thanksgiving Weekend 

This Thanksgiving weekend I have a grand trip planned for my wife and me. We will be without kids from Thursday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. I’m giddy just thinking about it. 

She doesn’t know what we’re doing yet, just that we are doing something just the two of us. She’s very excited, and beyond ready. 

We’re going to someplace like what’s shown above. I’ll let you know how it goes.

What do you have planned for Thanksgiving?